Welkom op de website van de Aeroclub Hilversum-Amsterdam (door iedereen ACHA genoemd).
Aero, which is focused on design and manufacturing of military and civilian aircraft, is the largest aviation manufacturer in the Czech Republic.
ACA offers jet fighter flights from Sydney's Camden Airport and Melbournes Wangaratta Airrport from just $1150 with Australia's most experienced pilots.
Airbus is a leading aircraft manufacturer with the most modern and comprehensive product line.
The Best Airplane Information, Aviation Photos and Aviation News!
De Airwork Kennisbank is om elkaar te helpen met informatie over selectieprocedures en andere zaken die handig zijn om te weten als (aspirant-) piloot.
Airline safety and security information
Luchtvaart-Themapark Aviodrome
Boeing is the world's largest aerospace company and leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners and defense, space and security systems. A top U.S. exporter, the company supports airlines and U.S.
Casper presents an attractive display of the aircraft in our European skies. Check out one of the airports by clicking on the map.
In februari 2008 CTA started the preparations to introduce Biofuel in Aviation.
Based in The Netherlands with many years “feet on the ground” experience at NATO, related defense organizations and other critical infrastructure.
D5-IQ differentiates by offering the most innovative, award winning and proven AI-powered platforms for Gamified Cyber Learning and Enterprise Intelligence.
We are one of the largest aerospace companies in the world.
Radically new seperation technologies, a spin-off from and proven by Royal Dutch Shell / Twister. Over 30 patents. Advanced, global, cost effective solutions.
Frontier is a innovative and pragmatic software development company. We work on exciting and challenging projects for large customers, often in the aviation industry but our solutions are equally applicable to other industries as well.
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines was founded on 7 October, 1919 to serve the Netherlands and its colonies. KLM is today the oldest airline still operating under its original name. KLM has been part of the AIR FRANCE KLM group since the merger in 2004.
Op dit moment is Lelystad Airport de grootste luchthaven voor General Aviation in Nederland. Voor lesvluchten, rondvluchten, vliegtuighuur, vliegtuigonderhoud en tal van andere activiteiten kunt u uitstekend op Lelystad Airport terecht.
De luchtvaartindustrie zal naar verwachting verdubbelen in de komende 20 jaar (IATA). Prognoses laten zien dat vliegreizen met 5% per jaar zullen toenemen, onder andere gedreven door een groeiende middenklasse in opkomende markten. Het Mainport Innovation Fund (MIF) is opgericht omdat innovatie van cruciaal belang is voor een duurzame en veilige luchtvaart.
AirFi, an Onboard Interactive IFE … Powered by a Portable OnBoard WiFi solution.
Connected Crew, a leading edge, integrated tablet solution for Cabin Crew.